Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just Finished Reading...

Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins
This is the definitive book on love, the purpose of the moon, and being an outlaw. Every person should read this book.

Just Finished Reading...

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
This book is about two high school guys named Will Grayson who meet and are changed forever by the experience. It's a totally excellent book. Both writers are really amazing at portraying their particular Will Grayson, I absolutely recommend this book to everyone.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer Reading!

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
John Green is a young adult writer and a videoblogger. As part of his video blog he has given a reading assignment to his viewers. I know he can be a bit overwhelming at first, but John Green makes books look cool, so I wholeheartedly recommend reading The Great Gatsby and following along with John's videos. I know he talks really fast, and maybe it would be good if we could play it in slow motion... sooo good luck keeping up!!

Introduction to writer John Green! Where he answers some questions from his vlog viewers, gives us The Great Gatsby as a reading assignment, and says some really awesome things about the power of books!
John Green discusses the epigraph of the Great Gatsby, as well as giving you several chapters to read for further discussion.

Just Finished Reading...

The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud
I had a hard time getting through this one, especially since it was just a young adult book. It is about a  young apprentice magician named Nathaniel who hopes to get revenge on another Magician for humiliating him. In order to do this he summons a Djinni, who must do his bidding, albeit not very well. In the end his quest for revenge leads him deep into a plot against the government and in way over his head with only an unruly Djinni to help him. The book was ok, and I don't really feel that I need to read the rest of the trilogy.