Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Reading is Important

25 Things Reading Does For You
-Compiled by Editor from interviews about why people read/don't read

1 Keeps your mind sharp
2 Stimulates creativity and imagination
3 Improves vocabulary
4 it is informative, and a learning experience
5 It is productive because it is a form of self-education
6 Allows you to explore new ideas creatively and with no risk
7 Expands your mind, your knowledge
8 Gives you better control over speaking/writing/thinking
9 Allows you to explore different worlds/lives/ideas/
perspectives in the comfort of your own home
10 A literate person has better job opportunities
11 Makes life easier (ex: following recipes, 
getting directions, etc.)
12 A successful life in the 21st century is difficult 
(maybe impossible) without being able to read
13 Improves spelling
14 Improves speaking/communication skills, 
and makes it easier to be able to word things
15 It's a source of entertainment
16 Has a calming, relaxing effect, reduces the stress 
in your own life by taking you somewhere else
17 Helps you gain practical and theoretical skills
18 Offers you the chance to challenge yourself
19 It is a way to keep up with the times, 
with cultural thoughts of your day
20 Strengthens your brain
21 Teaches you how people think
22 Increases your attention span
23 Can be a source of comfort and inspiration
24 Gives you new/different perspectives
25 Helps you think outside the box

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