Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just Finished Listening to/Reading...

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre is the story of an ordinary looking young woman with an extraordinary mind. She is orphaned at an early age, brought up by her apathetic, bordering on cruel relations until they decide to send her to school. After eight years spent at school, she realizes there is nothing left for her there and advertises herself as a governess. It is this point that her story truly begins, involving love, tragedy, hardships and eventually happiness.

Having simultaneously just returned home from college and started a new job, I've had a lot to do. So I spent two days (last weekend) listening to a free online recording of Jane Eyre by LibriVox while doing some intense spring cleaning on my room. I had to somehow make all the things that usually live at school with me and all the things that live at home, all fit in the same place. This endeavor was made much easier with a book to keep me company. I didn't quite finish listening to the book over the weekend, so I read the last quarter in the past week.

Jane Eyre is one of those books that every female between the age of 16 and 100 should read at least once, possibly twice. I recommend this book for guys, also, but mostly I think guys will hate it. I enjoyed it quite a bit, even though the descriptions do tend to go on unnecessarily. The bantering humor between the characters is really endearing and as a classic it definitely warrants a read. It would be especially good for summer reading while soaking up some sunshine and drinking tea and napping at intervals...

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