Monday, May 30, 2011

Just Finished Reading...

Tithe by Holly Black
Apparently I am on a girly book binge...

 Last night I was reading A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson and I was feeling deeply unsatisfied with his wise observations and scientific statistics about how nature is disappearing rapidly at the hands of humanity. It was thunderstorming outside and I decided I needed to read something distinctly less thought provoking. I chose this one because I remember reading it when I was fourteen or so, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was about... except that it had fairies in it. I would like to mention as a side-note here that I fully support the reading of cheesy-young-adult-fiction, no matter what your age. Just because the font is embarrassingly huge, the language lacks a certain... sophistication and the plot generally includes a lot of teen angst, doesn't mean it isn't a valid read. I love teen books. I read this one in a couple of hours and thoroughly enjoyed it.

It is about a misfit girl who moves from Philadelphia where her mother sings in a band and spends most of her time drunk and with dead-beats, back to her home town somewhere in New Jersey. Here she gets caught up in the politics of faeries and the struggle between the Seelie Court, the Unseelie Court and the free Faeries, who all have a different agenda and she is caught in the middle. She obviously meets a handsome faerie knight and true love follows, etc. 

Honestly I can understand how I forgot the plot the first time I read it... it isn't really anything remarkable. In fact I think my fourteen-year-old self was pretty confused about what happened in the book at all... the reveal of important information is completely vague and you're left thinking: so I guess that was all part of the evil plot, I think? Maybe? This book is wonderful for some solid, all-in-good-fun entertainment, which is sometimes exactly what one needs out of a book.

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